Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So, it's been about a month and half since I have blog...Lots and lots has taken place. My niece got married, we finished up the school year, my brother in law got married and our summer began. I took a HUGE leap of faith and invested money in a business. I have decided to became a Premier Jewelry Designer. That is both very exciting and very scary at the same time. I so want to be a success at this, it would so help our financial situation and we could maybe start thinking in terms of our house. That too is very scary to me. I don't know that I am ready for that step yet. Tracy has recently been diagnosed with Hypoglycemia. She also may need to have her tonsils out. Jacob is his very active self as usual. He is some what addicted to the computer, and that is an everyday battle. I became an aunt again. Bryan's brother and his wife had their 5th child on June 14 @1131am. Little Owen Reid is such an adorable baby! I would have loved to have had a house full of baby's, but they do grow up and my body would not have allowed it. I am so very Thankful for the two beautiful children I have. Life seems to be moving forward for us and things are going about as well as I can expect. I'll try to update more often.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Grief that men cause!

Okay, so it would seem that I'm all about ragging on my husband. Well, that could be because he is causing such grief this week. Honestly, I really don't know if he just doesn't know what to do with himself or what his problem is. Yesterday I gave him what I thought was a very SIMPLE task. Could he do it? NO! I asked him to pick up Tracy and bring her to me at my work and pick up Jacob and take him home. I had a meeting and would be back in the office to finish up my day. He somehow came up with that I was not going to be finished until 430pm and that the appointments I had scheduled for my daughter and I were cancelled. I passed him on my way back to work and he had Tracy with him. So, needless to say I was pissed. He doesn't listen. I really feel at times that I have 3 children instead of 2. I am so over trying to not let it bother me, he has been like this for years. He says that I think I say things that I don't really say, and that I assume that he knows what I mean. Oh please, like I could ever make that assumption. He can't follow simple direction. We have a wedding this weekend and if I could get away with it, I would leave his butt at home...Men, what do we really do with? I love him, but boy I wish he would grow up!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jerks and life

I really think that men have a monthly as well. My husband has been on his for the last week. He is on vacation this week and I don't know if he is just trying to fit to much in on his week off, or what his problem is. He has been grouchy all week and I'm about ready to pack him off somewhere. He thought he was going to go fishing today, well somehow the rain is my fault. Oh well, I hope that he is in a better mood come the weekend. My niece is getting married, sniff sniff. She is 26 and settling down. To be in her postion again, I don't know that I would do it. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and my children and my life most of the time. It just gets really hard and very tiring. I can't wait for the wedding, it will be hard to see her get married. My mom passed away 11 1/2 weeks ago, she always said that she would live to see Brit married and have babies. Well, she said that about all of her grandkids. Brit is the oldest, and my mom always babysat her. From the time my sister went back to work until Brit started school. She was almost more at home with us than she was her parents. I know that she will be watching from above and we will all that she is there. She was always so proud of Brit. Life does go on...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So, lets start this thing.

I have a friend who's blog I have been following for awhile. She always has interesting things to say and they are things that she needs to say. I really don't know where to begin this. Just start I suppose. I have all but decided that men are total jerks. You try to have a conversation with them and they look at you like you are stupid. I go outside this evening to talk to my husband and to see if he needs help. It is dark and he is changing the oil in my van. Well, skippie lost the cap to my air conditioner port. He was checking the level. Anyway, he starts yelling at me when I offer to help find it. He is the jerk. I really should not clump all men into this group. So, I leave him standing out in the driveway looking for the cap, I still do not know if he found it or not. I just don't get it, he was acting like I lost the cap! Why does that bother me so, maybe because he has been acting like a butt for the last week. He is on vacation this week and has been able to do what he wants, except for yesterday and part of today. Yesterday he went with our daughter on a field trip and today I scheduled him a doctors appointment and an eye appointment. God help me if I schedule them when he is working, the earth would cease to spin. Okay, so I guess in this my first blog we have determined that my husband is a jerk. More later on the rest of the family.